Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain


Einstein labs

Einstein labs will involve writing Shell scripts for marks.

Setup for the Einstein lab exams

You will have "Exam mode" labs.

Instructions for lab exams

Late students


Homework: How to write a shell script

Before the first lab:
  1. Do the Lab on shell in full.

Homework: Practice run on Einstein

You can do a practice run to test the Einstein system.

How to download Shakespeare

For some lab exams, you need local data to test your programs on.
So could you use my Shakespeare files?
No. In the lab exam, you do not have access to the student.computing.dcu.ie file system.
So here is what to do in the lab exam:
  1. Download this file: shakespeare.tar.gz
  2. Extract the files as follows:
    gzip -d shakespeare.tar.gz
    tar -xf shakespeare.tar
  3. Now you have your own copy of the works of Shakespeare to read and write.