Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain

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Linux Quiz 1


cd and directories

  1. Typing "pwd" causes what to happen?
  2. Typing "cd" causes what to happen?
  3. The "cd" command (then hit return) followed by the "pwd" command does what?
  4. Typing "cd" (then hit return) followed by "cd .." causes what to happen?
  5. The commands "cd" followed by "mkdir stuff" are run, what happens?
  6. The commands "cd" followed by "mkdir ../stuff" are run, what happens? Why?
  7. I am in my home directory and I type: cd public_html - What directory am I in now?
  8. I am in my home directory and I type: cd /bin - What directory am I in now?
  9. I am in my home directory and I type: cd ../bin - What happens? Why?

system directories

  1. Typing "cd /" causes what to happen?
  2. Typing "cd /" followed by "cd .." causes what to happen?
  3. The commands "cd /" followed by "mkdir stuff" are run, what happens?
  4. Typing "cd \" causes what to happen?
  5. What is the directory /bin for?
  6. How do you list the files in /bin?


  1. The command ls -l does what?
  2. The command ls -a does what?
  3. The command ls -al does what?
  4. The command ls -R does what?

Extra question

  1. Write a one-line command line to count the number of files in /bin

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