It is in REXX EXEC for VM/CMS. The original CHATDISC EXEC was written by Eric Thomas of the Ecole Centrale de Paris and of CERN, the inventor of LISTSERV, and founder of L-Soft.
Some functionality which is irrelevant to the MGonz story has been removed here.
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The MGonzNet System Source Code Mark Humphrys Jun 17, 1989 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ quote = d2c(125) /* the ' character */ lowcasechars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' upcasechars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' digits = '0123456789' true = 1 false = 0 Address 'COMMAND' /* So that msgs don't get upcased */ Parse arg userid nodeid message /* Retrieve arguments from Chat */ message = Strip(message) /* Strip blanks from msg Crucial */ lowmessage = Lowcase(message) upmessage = Upcase(message) goodmessage = removebadchars(message,'dont remove digits') Parse pull discmsg /* Retrieve standard disc msg */ discmsg = Strip(discmsg) discmsg = substr(discmsg,19) /* get rid of Disconnected -- .. */ nickname = '' /* Default values */ virtualuser = '' 'FINIS * * *' /* Close all files to prevent possible loss of data if system crashes or suchlike... */ /* Try to find person in NAMES file */ 'NAMEFIND :userid' userid ':node' nodeid ':nick (LIFO' If rc == 0 Then Parse pull nickname If nickname ^= '' Then nickname = Capitalise(nickname) userid = Lowcase(userid) nodeid = Lowcase(nodeid) If nodeid = 'irlearn' Then msgcmd = 'MSG' Upcase(userid) Else msgcmd = 'SMSG RSCS MSG' Upcase(nodeid) Upcase(userid) /* --- Copy message to Vax --------------------------------- */ /* Tell my Vax a/c about incoming message Care to avoid message war with rscs */ dontcopy = 'Ccvax Irlearn Printers Vax' Select When Find(dontcopy,nickname) ^== 0 Then Nop When userid = 'vmutil' & nodeid = 'irlearn' Then Nop When nickname = 'Relay' Then Call Vax message /* forget nasty header */ When nodeid = 'irlearn' & left(userid,3) = 'log' & , left(lowmessage,8) = 'vax sys ' Then Nop /* Vax will receive msg anyway */ Otherwise Do 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC STACK LOGGEDON' Parse pull loggedon If loggedon ^= false Then Do /* Copy to Vax unless explicitly told loggedon = false */ If nickname ^= '' Then Call Vax '* Message from' nickname '('userid 'at' nodeid') ...' Else Call Vax '* Message from' userid 'at' nodeid '...' Call Vax message End End End /* --- Process message ------------------------------------- */ /* Local users from whom messages must be ignored */ dontreply = 'mhumph89 operator vmutil dirmaint' /* Centre people - give standard disc msg don't let them stumble across MGonzNet */ centre = ' adillon adviser annmarie bernie bonnie brianm' centre = centre || ' carrick cecily deirdre dobeirne ebairead emcgrath' centre = centre || ' eoin guest1 guest2' centre = centre || ' harringt helen jacklowe jchester jennings joanc' centre = centre || ' larry listserv maevem mailmnt mailr2 maint' centre = centre || ' mallen mbreslin mcgrath mnorris' centre = centre || ' mokeeffe mokelly molooney moriarty msexton' centre = centre || ' noreilly odonnel' centre = centre || ' oneillu pdoyle rosemary sinead tinac tmcgrath' centre = centre || ' twade t_wade vmaccnt walter walsh' /* ^ don't forget spaces between names at end of one line and start of next */ Select When nickname = 'Printers' Then /* Divert msgs to the pmsguser */ Do Call divert 'P' Exit 0 End When nickname = 'Irlearn' & left(upmessage,10) = 'LINK CCVAX' Then Do Call divert 'VAX' /* Divert msgs to the vaxmsguser */ 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SET LOGGEDON' false /* beautiful */ Exit 0 End When nickname = 'Ccvax' Then Do Call divert 'VAX' /* Divert msgs to the vaxmsguser */ If left(upcase(goodmessage),12) == 'H236 007 NOT' Then 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SET LOGGEDON' false /* some nasty char in there */ Exit 0 End When userid = 'rscs' Then Exit 0 /* Don't reply to RSCS please! */ When userid = 'mailer' Then Exit 0 /* Ditto for MAILER */ When userid = 'relay' Then Exit 0 When Left(message,1) == '*' Then Exit 0 /* Ignore starred messages */ When nodeid = 'irlearn' & Find(dontreply,userid) ^== 0 Then Exit 0 When Find(centre,userid) ^== 0 Then Do Call Tellback '* Disconnected -- message is recorded' Exit 0 End When nodeid = 'irlearn' & left(userid,3) = 'log' Then Do Call Log /* Divert virtual users here */ Exit 0 End When lowmessage = 'help' Then Do Call Tellback '* MGonzNet ' Call Tellback '* --------------------------------------------------' Call Tellback '* help Help ' Call Tellback '* dir Directory of available files ' Call Tellback '* get :fn :ft: Get a file ' Call Tellback '* who Nice VM Who ' Call Tellback '* p Query VM/SCS printer queues ' Call Tellback '* p :printer: Query specific printer ' if nickname = 'Vax' then do Call Tellback '* q Query reader ' Call Tellback '* q files Receive all files ' Call Tellback '* q mail :nb: Receive all mail into :nb: ' Call Tellback '* q all :nb: Receive everything ' Call Tellback '* tell :mgonznetuser: :msg: ' Call Tellback '* cms tell :realuser: :msg: ' end Call Tellback '* :msg: Talk to the Gonz ' Call Tellback '* * :msg: Talk to the Gonzkeeper ' Call Tellback '* --------------------------------------------------' Exit 0 End When lowmessage = 'who' Then Do Call Who Exit 0 End When lowmessage = 'dir' Then Do Call Dir Exit 0 End When left(lowmessage,4) = 'get ' Then Do Call Get substr(message,5) Exit 0 End When Find(lowmessage, 'hi') ^== 0 |, Find(lowmessage,'hello') ^== 0 |, Find(lowmessage, 'yo') ^== 0 Then Do Call ID /* standard discmsg */ Exit 0 End When nodeid ^= 'irlearn' & nodeid ^= 'ccvax' Then Do Call MGonz /* Divert non-UCD users here */ Exit 0 End When lowmessage = 'p' Then Do Call P /* call with no parameters */ Exit 0 End When left(lowmessage,2) = 'p ' Then Do Call P substr(message,3) Exit 0 End When nickname = 'Vax' Then Do Call Sys Exit 0 End Otherwise Do Call MGonz Exit 0 End End Exit 0 /* Just in case instructions are added to the SELECT without an Exit statement */ ID: If nickname ^= '' Then Call Tellback '* Yo 'nickname'! What'quote's happenin?' Else Call Tellback '* Yo dude! Please introduce yourself!' Call Tellback '* 'discmsg Return MGonz: Address 'CMS' 'COPYFILE MGONZ SOURCE A MGONZ LSP A (REPLACE' 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC STACK NUM' parse pull num if num = '' | ^DataType(num,'W') then num = 0 num = num + 1 if (num < 1) | (100 < num) then num = 1 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SETP NUM' num /* write to LASTING GLOBALV */ index = num /* cycles 1 to 100 */ select when nickname ^= '' then name = nickname when virtualuser ^= '' then name = virtualuser otherwise name = userid /* pass originid into lisp program */ end arg = removebadchars(message) /* bad chars will crash LISP */ arg = strip(arg) arg = left(arg,50) /* else lisp truncates, thus losing brackets */ 'EXECIO 1 DISKW MGONZ LSP A (FINIS STRING (setq index' index ')' 'EXECIO 1 DISKW MGONZ LSP A (FINIS STRING (setq index2' index ')' 'EXECIO 1 DISKW MGONZ LSP A (FINIS STRING (setq name 'quote''name ')' 'EXECIO 1 DISKW MGONZ LSP A (FINIS STRING (response 'quote'(' arg '))' Address 'CMS' 'LISP MGONZ LSP' 'EXECIO 1 DISKR MGONZ LISTING A 441' 'EXECIO * DISKR MGONZ LISTING A (LOCATE /VALUE IS/' 'EXECIO 1 DISKR MGONZ LISTING A (LIFO' parse pull line line = lowcase(line) /* MGONZ LISTING will be all upper case */ do until queued()=0 pull rubbish end line = strip(line) line = strip(line,'L','(') line = strip(line,'T',')') /* discard enclosing brackets */ replymsg = '* 'line If nickname ^= 'Vax' Then /* get both sides of the conversation */ Address 'CMS' 'TELL ME' replymsg Call Tellback replymsg Return Dir: Call Tellback '*--------------------------------------------------------- ' Call Tellback '* P EXEC printing utility for UCD'quote's VM service ' Call Tellback '* P COM printing utility for UCD'quote's CCVAX service ' Call Tellback '* P SH printing utility for UCD'quote's UTS service ' Call Tellback '* QR EXEC query reader utility for VM/CMS ' Call Tellback '* TITLE EXEC printing utility for VM/CMS ' Call Tellback '* THE TRUTH the truth about MGonz ' Call Tellback '* THE BIBLE the Bible of the Church of MGonz ' Call Tellback '*--------------------------------------------------------- ' Return Get: thing = arg(1) parse var thing fn ft filename = upcase(strip(fn)' 'strip(ft)) filename = strip(filename) Select When filename == '' Then Do Call Tellback '* Syntax is GET FN FT ' Call Tellback '* available files : ' Call Dir End When filename == 'P EXEC' Then If nodeid == 'irlearn' then do Call Tellback '* P EXEC on its way ...' Call Tellback '* type RECEIVE = to receive it and P to run it' Address 'CMS' 'SF' filename userid end Else do Call Tellback '* ----------- Warning !!! ---------------------' Call Tellback '* P EXEC will only run on UCD'quote's VM service' Call Tellback '* ---------------------------------------------' Call Tellback '* here it is anyway ...' Address 'CMS' 'SF' filename userid 'AT' nodeid end When filename == 'P COM' Then If nodeid == 'ccvax' then do Call Tellback '* P.COM on its way ...' Call Tellback '* type RECEIVE * to receive it and @P to run it' Address 'CMS' 'SF' filename userid 'AT CCVAX' end Else do Call Tellback '* ----------- Warning !!! ---------------------' Call Tellback '* P.COM will only run on UCD'quote's CCVAX service' Call Tellback '* ---------------------------------------------' Call Tellback '* here it is anyway ...' Address 'CMS' 'SF' filename userid 'AT' nodeid end When filename == 'P SH' Then Do Call Tellback '* ----------- Warning !!! ---------------------' Call Tellback '* P SH will only run on UCD'quote's UTS service' Call Tellback '* ---------------------------------------------' Call Tellback '* here it is anyway ...' Address 'CMS' 'SF' filename userid 'AT' nodeid End When filename == 'QR EXEC' | filename == 'TITLE EXEC' Then Do Call Tellback '* file' filename 'on its way ...' Call Tellback '* note this program only runs on VM/CMS systems' Address 'CMS' 'SF' filename userid 'AT' nodeid End When filename == 'THE TRUTH' | filename == 'THE BIBLE' Then Do Call Tellback '* file sent via mail ...' subject = filename', (C) MGonzNet Publications Inc.' argstring = '(NOEDIT NOLOG NOPROMPT FILE' filename 'SUBJECT' subject Address 'CMS' 'MAIL' userid'@'nodeid argstring End Otherwise Do Call Tellback '* Error - file' filename 'does not exist' Call Tellback '* Use DIR to get list of available files' End End Return P: /* Set pmsguser to this user ( in fact, this user will receive all msgs from Printers until someone else sends a p request ) */ If nodeid = 'irlearn' Then Do Call Tellback '* Well, I'quote'll give you the info, but in future ' Call Tellback '* use the program P EXEC, which I have just sent you ' Address 'CMS' 'SENDFILE P EXEC' userid End 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SET PMSGUSER' userid 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SET PMSGNODE' nodeid If Arg(1) = '' Then Do Call Tellback '* VM and SCS printer queues : ' Call Tellback '* S=file being printed, Q=files queued' printermsg = 'SMSG RSCS CMD PRTRSCS Q SY Q' End Else Do printer = Arg(1) Call Tellback '* Queue for printer' printer ': ' Call Tellback '* S=file being printed, Q=files queued' printermsg = 'SMSG RSCS CMD PRTRSCS Q' Upcase(printer) 'F' End Call Diag 8,printermsg Return divert: /* Incoming message from someone Pass it to to the Arg(1)msguser, if found */ 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC STACK' Arg(1)'MSGUSER' Parse pull msguser If msguser ^= '' Then Do 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC STACK' Arg(1)'MSGNODE' Parse pull msgnode If msgnode ^= '' Then Do If Lowcase(msgnode) = 'irlearn' Then thiscmd = 'MSG' Upcase(msguser) Else thiscmd = 'SMSG RSCS MSG' Upcase(msgnode) Upcase(msguser) Call Diag 8,thiscmd message End End /* else no Arg(1)msguser set, so do nothing */ Return Sys: /* My vax a/c has sweeping powers to do things on VM */ Select When left(lowmessage,5) = 'tell ' Then Do virtualuser = 'Sys on Vax' Call MSG false,substr(message,6) End When lowmessage = 'on' Then Do 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SET LOGGEDON' true Call Vax '* Message copy to Vax is ON' End When lowmessage = 'off' Then Do 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC SET LOGGEDON' false Call Vax '* Message copy to Vax is OFF' End /* I can tell VM myself when to copy msgs to me */ When lowmessage = 'status' Then Do 'GLOBALV SELECT CHATDISC STACK LOGGEDON' Parse pull loggedon If loggedon ^= false Then Call Vax '* Message copy to Vax is ON' Else Call Vax '* Message copy to Vax is OFF' End When left(upmessage,3) = 'CMS' Then Do cmd = lowcase(substr(message,5)) cmd = strip(cmd) Address 'CMS' cmd If rc ^= 0 Then Call Vax '* Command failed, return code' rc Else Call Vax '* Command returned ok' End When left(upmessage,2) = 'CP' Then Do cmd = upcase(substr(message,4)) cmd = strip(cmd) Call Diag 8,cmd If rc ^= 0 Then Call Vax '* Command failed, return code' rc Else Call Vax '* Command returned ok' End When lowmessage = 'q' Then Call q /* query reader, Call Vax the result */ Otherwise Call MGonz End Return Tellback: Call Diag 8,msgcmd Arg(1) Return Vax: vaxmsgcmd = 'SMSG RSCS MSG CCVAX H236_007' Call Diag 8,vaxmsgcmd Arg(1) Return Lowcase: procedure expose lowcasechars upcasechars Return translate(Arg(1),lowcasechars,upcasechars) Upcase: procedure expose lowcasechars upcasechars Return translate(Arg(1),upcasechars,lowcasechars) Capitalise: procedure expose lowcasechars upcasechars firstchar = substr(Arg(1),1,1) rest = substr(Arg(1),2) Return Upcase(firstchar)''Lowcase(rest) Mytime: procedure timenow = left(time(),5) hr = left(timenow,2) min = right(timenow,2) if hr > 12 then timenow = (hr - 12)'.'min' pm' else if hr = 12 then timenow = hr'.'min' pm' else timenow = hr'.'min' am' if left(timenow,1) = '0' then timenow = substr(timenow,2) dow = left(date('weekday'),3) day = right(date('sorted'),2) if left(day,1) = '0' then day = substr(day,2) month = left(date('month'),3) year = left(date('sorted'),4) Return timenow',' dow day month year fileexists: procedure expose true false filename = arg(1) upper filename 'ESTATE' filename if rc = 0 then return true else return false removebadchars: procedure expose lowcasechars upcasechars digits /* substitutes spaces for non-alphabetic chars in arg(1) */ goodchars = lowcasechars || upcasechars if arg(2) ^= '' then goodchars = goodchars || digits string = arg(1) do i = 1 to length(string) char = substr(string,i,1) if pos(char,goodchars) = 0 /* not one of the goodchars */ then string = left(string,i-1)' 'substr(string,i+1) end return string