School of Computing. Dublin City University.
Online coding site:
Ancient Brain
coders JavaScript worlds
We can draw a continuum of machines of greater or lesser autonomy. Here, the autonomy of the machine increases as we move downwards:
Least autonomy for the machine.
Greatest amount of work for the human.
Have to imagine every design ourselves.
But less risk that nothing will emerge.
Greater ability to analyse and explain the solution.
Search a solution space using heuristics.
Learn to generalise from I/O exemplars (Supervised Learning).
Learn from no exemplars,
but only periodic rewards during task
(Reinforcement Learning).
Learn from no rewards during task,
but only a live/die decision at end,
according to some explicit fitness function
(Genetic Algorithms).
Fitness function isn't even explicit,
but is implicit in the dynamics of the environment
(Artificial Life).
No fitness function or feedback
(Unsupervised Learning, Learning to Learn).
Only laws of physics designed by human.
Laws of physics themselves evolve.
Greatest autonomy of the machine.
Least work for the human.
Hope of something emerging that we couldn't have designed.
But also greater risk of only a simple machine emerging.
Longer wait time for self-modification to complete.
Less analysis of final solution.