Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain


Mate-choice heuristics (for humans and animals)

When considering the idea of a heuristic, an AI algorithm that makes a decision after limited search, it is productive (and also often funny) to consider one of the most fundamental heuristics in human and animal life: the heuristic for mate choice.

When you choose your mate, you do not do an optimal, exhaustive search. You use a heuristic. Can't try out 1 billion partners. Can't wait 80 years. Have to make decision in limited time after limited experience.


Mate choice heuristic in birds: Mating dances.
Usually the male dances and the female selects.
This is inherently funny. So the question is why this evolved.
Assuming the concept of dancing makes any sense, consider the female's choice algorithm. She cannot watch dances forever. She must make a decision.


Simple heuristic: n and f


In the above mate choice algorithm, what would the following look like?
  1. n=0 and f = 0 percent
  2. n=1000 and f = 99 percent.
  3. n=0 and f = 99 percent.
  4. n=1000 and f = 0 percent.


  1. "Emergent Patterns of Mate Choice in Human Populations". Jorge Simao and Peter M. Todd, Artificial Life 9(4): 403-417 (2003).

  2. "Marry Him! The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough" The Atlantic, 2008. An argument for a smaller n and a lower f than most people seem to use.

The evaluation function is a heuristic

The search algorithm logic is a heuristic.
And f, the evaluation function, is also a heuristic.
Often we find it hard to judge f, as much fiction is based on.

Mr. Darcy explains to Elizabeth that she is in at least the top 100 million people for him worldwide.
Maybe even the top 10 million.
Image from here.
(Mr. Darcy did not actually say this. I am making a joke. But his first marriage proposal was in fact very rude.)


Dating apps


Computer simulation


"Why Men Get So Few Matches on Dating Apps".
A fascinating computer simulation from Memeable Data, 13 July 2023.
Evolution explains why dating apps are often a heuristic gone wrong, that will not work.
Here is the basic logic:

ancientbrain.com      w2mind.org      humphrysfamilytree.com

On the Internet since 1987.      New 250 G VPS server.

Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.