Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain

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"Not Enough Stuff" arguments in AI

AI has a history of people saying that the systems and algorithms simply need more of some property and there will be a breakthrough.

To a large extent this has been true.

The main "Not Enough Stuff" arguments would be:

  1. Not enough speed.
    "If we just get faster machines we will have full AI".
    • This has been happening for the whole history of AI. Faster machines make older algorithms suddenly more useful.
    • The recent use of GPUs as simple parallel computers has massively helped the speed of certain algorithms.

  2. Not enough neurons/memory. Not big enough networks.
    "Neural networks need to be much bigger, and with a much higher number of layers."
    • Theoretical breakthroughs have made this happen.

  3. Not enough data.
    "The machine needs to read half the Internet."
    • The rise of massive AI companies spending hundreds of millions on training has made this happen.

  4. Not enough time.
    "We get 20 years to grow our intelligence. Maybe a machine needs a 20 year childhood too."
    • Many people have noted the gap between a human childhood, switched on and interacting with the physical world 15 hours a day, 365 days a year, for 20 years, and robot "learning", where the robot is typically switched on and learning only for very short time periods.
    • While software-only experiments can run for months, bringing a 20 year human childhood to a robot with a physical body is quite a challenge.
    • Cloud robotics is an idea that multiple robots could share their learning and have a collective brain, something that does not exist in nature.

  5. Not enough authors. Not enough diversity in the mind.
    "Real brains will consist of a huge, diverse society of sub-brains of different types of intelligence and different forms of learning and memory."

Some of my thoughts on this:

ancientbrain.com      w2mind.org      humphrysfamilytree.com

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Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.