// generic GA // single linear binary chromosome // interpretation of it is up to the program - no interpretation is made here // I thought of randomising all objects in their constructors, // but this is probably unnecessary half the time // (and could even perhaps lead to infinite loops). // Instead, I have a hierarchy of randomising, // so calling the randomise() function on a Population // randomises all the individuals within it, etc. const int l = 30; // length of chromosome const int n = 50; // size of population (should be even) const double pc = 0.8; // probability of crossover const double pm = 0.005; // probability of mutation
typedef Boolean Allele; // alphabet is 0,1 (k=2) // my own array, with 1..n indexing: class AlleleArray { public: Allele secret[l]; Allele& operator[] ( int i ) { return secret[i-1]; } // return reference because x[] might appear on lhs of equation }; class Chromosome : public AlleleArray { public: Chromosome& operator= ( Chromosome& c ) { for ( int i=1; i<=l; i++ ) { (*this)[i] = c[i]; } return *this; } randomise() { for ( int i=1; i<=l; i++ ) { (*this)[i] = r.flip(0.5); } // a fair toss } friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& stream, Chromosome& c) { for ( int i=1; i<=l; i++ ) { Boolean b = c[i]; stream << b; } return stream; } };
double positiveFitness ( Chromosome ); // how fit is this Chromosome? // the user application must return a positive fitness
class Individual { public: Chromosome a; // a[1] .. a[l] int parent1; int parent2; int crossoversite; double fitness; updateFitness() // new chromosome.. { fitness = positiveFitness(a); // ask the application to rate it if ( fitness < 0 ) { // return error } } Individual& operator= ( const Individual& x ) { a = x.a; parent1 = x.parent1; parent2 = x.parent2; crossoversite = x.crossoversite; updateFitness(); return *this; } makeMe ( Chromosome c, int p1, int p2, int x ) { a = c; parent1 = p1; parent2 = p2; crossoversite = x; updateFitness(); } randomise() { a.randomise(); parent1 = 0; parent2 = 0; crossoversite = 0; updateFitness(); } friend ostream& operator<< ( ostream& stream, Individual& x) { sprintf ( buf, "(%3d,%3d)", x.parent1, x.parent2 ); stream << buf; if ( x.crossoversite == l ) sprintf ( buf, ", - " ); // there was no crossover else sprintf ( buf, ", %3d ", x.crossoversite ); stream << buf; stream << x.a; sprintf ( buf, " %8.3f", x.fitness ); stream << buf; return stream; } };
class IndividualArray { public: Individual secret[n]; Individual& operator[] ( int i ) { return secret[i-1]; } }; class Population : public IndividualArray { public: Population& operator= ( Population& p ) { for ( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) { (*this)[i] = p[i]; } return *this; } randomise() { for ( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) { (*this)[i].randomise(); } } Population() { if ( (n % 2) != 0 ) { // return error } } }; class World { public: Population A; // A[1] .. A[n] // these statistics calculated by runStatistics: Individual best; double worstFitness, averageFitness, sumFitness; randomise() { A.randomise(); runStatistics(); } int select(); crossover ( int, int ); // deposits output in: Individual child1,child2; Allele mutate ( Allele ); };
int World :: select() // actually called multiple times // each time just selects one A[i] for reproduction { double point = r.prob() * sumFitness; // random point between 0 and sigma fitnesses ('spin the wheel') // find the individual intersecting this point double partial = 0.0; int i = 0; while ( (partial<=point) && (i < n) ) { i++; partial = partial + A[i].fitness; } // the loop has stopped because either partial has just crossed the line, or i=n. // either way: return(i); }
World :: crossover ( int parent1, int parent2 ) // writes output to child1,child2 { // first build the chromosomes.. Chromosome p1 = A[parent1].a; Chromosome p2 = A[parent2].a; Chromosome c1; Chromosome c2; int site,i; if ( r.flip(pc) ) // flip coin weighted with pc site = r.restricted(1,l-1); // crossover - random cut, from after 1 to after l-1 else site = l; // no crossover - 'cut' after l // the cut comes after site, // so elements 1 to site go to one side, site+1 to l into other: for ( i=1; i<=site; i++ ) { c1[i] = mutate(p1[i]); c2[i] = mutate(p2[i]); } for ( i=site+1; i<=l; i++ ) { c1[i] = mutate(p2[i]); c2[i] = mutate(p1[i]); } // then build the individuals.. child1.makeMe ( c1, parent1, parent2, site ); child2.makeMe ( c2, parent1, parent2, site ); }
Allele World :: mutate ( Allele a ) // mutate allele a with probability pm { if ( r.flip(pm) ) return (!a); else return (a); }
World :: next() // replace population A { runStatistics(); // just for safety, make sure we are up to date with A Population temp; for ( int i=1; i<=n-1; i=i+2 ) // build in pairs - temp(1,2), temp(3,4), .. temp(n-1,n) { crossover ( select(), select() ); // select two mates and build 2 new children temp[i] = child1; temp[i+1] = child2; } // now we are finished with the old A. replace it: A = temp; } World :: runStatistics() // update various statistics about myself { best = A[1]; worstFitness = A[1].fitness; sumFitness = A[1].fitness; for ( int i=2; i<=n; i++ ) { double f = A[i].fitness; sumFitness = sumFitness + f; if ( f < worstFitness ) worstFitness = f; if ( f > best.fitness ) best = A[i]; } // these all now fully calculated. // all that remains is: averageFitness = sumFitness / n; } // the GA library's statistical reports are only concerned with the GA internals. // they only deal in concepts of 'string' and 'fitness' // they have no idea why that string has that fitness, // or what it means: World :: detailedReport ( int t, ostream& stream ) { runStatistics(); stream << "\n\n\n"; stream << "t=" << t << "\n"; stream << " # parents,xsite string fitness \n"; stream << "------------------------------------------------------------\n"; for ( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) { sprintf ( buf, "%3d ", i ); stream << buf << A[i]; if ( A[i].fitness > averageFitness ) stream << " +"; stream << "\n"; } stream << "------------------------------------------------------------\n"; } World :: summaryReport ( int t, ostream& stream ) // (the outside world tells me what time (i.e. what generation) it is) { runStatistics(); sprintf ( buf, "t=%-3d worst=%0.3f average=%0.3f best=( ", t, worstFitness, averageFitness ); stream << buf; stream << best.a; sprintf ( buf, " , %0.3f ) \n", best.fitness ); stream << buf; }