Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain


PC operating systems (single user)

Microsoft dominance. Been that way for a long time.

Desktop Operating System Market Share 2022.
From StatCounter.

Microsoft dominance, but not quite monopoly.
Even 1 percent of these numbers is millions of machines.

Desktop Operating System Market Share 2020 by netmarketshare.com.
Do one month span only to get bar chart.
Netmarketshare shut down in 2020.

PC operating systems

ancientbrain.com      w2mind.org      humphrysfamilytree.com

On the Internet since 1987.      New 250 G VPS server.

Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.