School of Computing. Dublin City University.
Online coding site: Ancient Brain
coders JavaScript worlds
#define forall_i for ( int i=1; i<=n; i++ ) class intvector { int *secret; public: alloc ( int n ) { secret = new int [ n ]; // 0..(n-1) indexing } int& operator[] ( int i ) // all access to secret is via this (with 1..n indexing). // return reference so can do assignments. { return secret[i-1]; } intvector& operator= ( intvector& other ) // define assignment vector = vector { forall_i (*this)[i] = other[i]; return *this; } };
class floatvector { float *secret; public: alloc ( int n ) { secret = new float [ n ]; } float& operator[] ( int i ) { return secret[i-1]; } floatvector& operator= ( floatvector& other ) { forall_i (*this)[i] = other[i]; return *this; } };
// an enumerablevector x = (x1..xn) comes with // an associated cvector c = ( // which defines its limits: // for each i // xi should be in range 0..(ci-1) // now can work out things such as no. of possible vectors // and can give them unique ID numbers (for use in lookup table) typedef intvector cvector; class enumerablevector : public intvector { public: cvector c; int no; // no. of possible vectors allocvector ( cvector carg ) { c.alloc ( carg.n ); c = carg; alloc ( c.n ); // no. of possible vectors = c1*c2*..*cn no = 1; forall_i no = no * c[i]; } int id() // vector2id { // vectors have unique IDs 0..(no-1) int total = 0; int p = 1; for ( int i=n; i>=1; i-- ) { int xi = (*this)[i]; total = total + (xi*p); p = p*c[i]; } return total; } from ( int totalarg ) // id2vector { int total = totalarg; int p = no; forall_i { p = p / c[i]; (*this)[i] = total / p; total = total % p; } } testEnumeration() // handy routine to test that enumeration scheme works { for ( int i=0; i<=(no-1); i++ ) { from(i); int j = id(); if ( i != j ) { cout << "Error: enumeration failed \n"; } } } }; typedef enumerablevector state; typedef enumerablevector action; // global variables cf and df define state and action // these are defined in the actual problem world: cvector cf; cvector df;
class StateActionSpace : public floatvector { state xf; // these define the space action af; public: allocvector ( cvector carg, cvector darg ) { xf.allocvector ( carg ); af.allocvector ( darg ); alloc ( * ); } float& at ( state x, action a ) { int id = ( * ) +; return (*this) [ id+1 ]; } };