Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain

coders   JavaScript worlds


Sample code - How to implement Q-learning

const float GAMMA = 0.6;

const float maxQTEMPERATURE = 1.0 / 2;  
const float minQTEMPERATURE = 1.0 / 50;           

	// still retains *somewhat* stochastic policy

// each (x,a) has its own varying ALPHAQ:

float alphaQ ( long int i )
 return ( 1.0 / i );                    

An Agent is a "behaviour-producing module":

class Agent     
// keep track of Q-values for my actions:

 	StateActionSpace	Q;

// what really defines me is my reward function
// (defined in subclasses):

 	virtual float  reward ( state x, state y ) { return 0; }

// noQ(x,a) counts the no. of times we have "visited (x,a)"
// (tried out action a in state x)
// so e.g. we can have declining alphaQ:

 	StateActionSpace	noQ;	

// the action I suggest to execute:

 	action         ai;

// temporary variable:

 	action         af;

   Q.allocvector ( cf, df );     
  noQ.allocvector ( cf, df );
   ai.allocvector ( df );
   af.allocvector ( df );

 int j;
 #define foractions_j           for ( j=0; j<=(ai.no-1); j++ )

 int randomAction() { return randomAtoB ( 0, ai.no-1 ); }

The Learning algorithm - how we update the Q-values:

Agent :: updateQ ( state x, action a, state y )
  float r = reward(x,y);		// defined later
  float total = r + (GAMMA * Q.max(y));

  float ALPHA = alphaQ ( noQ.at(x,a) );

  Q.at(x,a) = ((1-ALPHA) * Q.at(x,a)) + (ALPHA * total);

How to use a Boltzmann "soft max" control policy with variable temperature:

// first, the sum of the exp(Q/T) terms:

Agent :: calculateSigma ( state x, float QTEMPERATURE )
 sigma = 0;
  sigma = sigma + exp ( Q.at(x,af)/QTEMPERATURE );

// can show how probable each action is to be tried:

Agent :: printProb ( ostream& stream, state x, float QTEMPERATURE )
  double prob = exp ( Q.at(x,af)/QTEMPERATURE ) / sigma;   

// suggest an action ai:

Agent :: suggestBoltz ( state x, float QTEMPERATURE )
 calculateSigma ( x, QTEMPERATURE );
 float p = random0to1exclusive();               
 float sum = 0;
 j = 0;

 while ( sum < p )
  double prob = exp ( Q.at(x,af)/QTEMPERATURE ) / sigma;
  sum = sum + prob;

 // just hit p
 ai = af;

// suggest action with reasonable (declining) temperature:

Agent :: suggestReasonable ( state x )
 suggestBoltz ( x, reasonableTemperature() );

float Agent :: reasonableTemperature()
 long int total = noQ.totalNumberOfExperiences();

 if ( total >= ceiling )
  return minQTEMPERATURE;
  float e = total / ceiling;

// no exploration, demo mode:

Agent :: exploit ( state x )            
 suggestBoltz ( x, minQTEMPERATURE );

A Creature may contain one or multiple Agents inside its head:

class Creature
 state          s;       // temporary variables
 state		x;
 state		y;                  
 action	ak;		// each Agent suggests an action ai
				// one action ak wins and is executed

 virtual        observe() {}         // observe() fills up state s                   
 virtual        execute ( action a ) {}         

 AgentArray     A;		// a list of agents 1..n

 #define foragents_i            for ( int i=1; i<=A.n; i++ )

 int    randomAgent() { return randomAtoB ( 1, A.n ); }


  s.allocvector ( cf );
  x.allocvector ( cf );
  y.allocvector ( cf );
  ak.allocvector ( df );

The interact() function:

// interact with the world just once:

Creature :: interact ( int mode )
// observe state, each agent suggests an action:

 observe(); x = s;

 if (mode == _learnQ)
  ak[1] = randomAction();
 else if (mode == _exploit)

// somehow go through the ai's
// and pick an agent and execute its action:


// observe new state, all agents learn:

 observe(); y = s;

 if (mode == _learnQ)
   A[i]->updateQ ( x, ak, y );                          

ancientbrain.com      w2mind.org      humphrysfamilytree.com

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Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.