Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain


Configuration files



Configuration files differ across different types of Unix/Linux. It can be quite complex.

Often instructions can be put in multiple places and you may not notice the difference, depending on how you work.

Hierarchy is:

  1. OS system-wide files (not to be modified, rebuilt in OS upgrades)
  2. Local install system-wide files (modified by local sysadmins for all users)
  3. Personal config files (in home dir, apply to one user, edited by one user)

Personal config files

You can customise your environment by putting commands into personal config files.
Default shell at DCU is bash
There are global config files and bash-specific config files.

These are run in login shell (e.g. ssh) or login to GUI:

file type notes
$HOME/.profile global Change PATH in here.
$HOME/.bash_profile bash specific See below.

This is run in non-login shell (e.g. new terminal in GUI):

file type notes
$HOME/.bashrc bash specific Set aliases in here.
Change prompt in here

.bashrc may or may not also be run by login shell. It depends on setup.



On some Linux setups: So where do you put your commands?

Solution for those setups:
Get .bash_profile to run the commands in .bashrc (and maybe run the commands in .profile too).
Put the following in .bash_profile:

source $HOME/.profile
source $HOME/.bashrc

DCU Linux setup can change from year to year, so experiment with:

How to change the PATH

How to set up aliases

Text substitutions at the command line.

Put lines like this in .bashrc:

alias h="history"
alias cds="cd /users/tutors/mhumphrysdculab/share"

This text substitution at the command-line is more efficient than starting up a program to do the job.
In fact, in the case of the change directory alias, a program won't work since a program can't change the directory of the parent process that called it.

How to change the prompt

On many Linux installs, put something like this in .bashrc:
export PS1='[student] \w> '


At DCU, changing the prompt as above may not work because of bash functionality called PROMPT_COMMAND.

Put something like the following into .bashrc:

_prompt_command () 
    local exit_status="$?";
    export PS1='[student] \w> '
    return $exit_status

Is customisation useful?

What is customisation (like changing prompt) for? Just cosmetic?
No. Imagine you have multiple ssh windows open.

In Jan 2017, an admin at GitLab typed the "remove database" command into the production/live ssh window by accident, rather than the development/backup ssh window. The video explains the disaster.
Apart from the technical issues that would have stopped it, there are simple things to help stop such disasters in a work environment:
  1. Make the prompt on the production server something dramatic like:
  2. Make the production ssh session background colour red, as a warning of where you are.
  3. Never rm directories. Just rename them. You can delete them later, when everything is working. You can delete them a month later. What's the hurry?
  4. To continue that idea, obviously your normal backups should work, but if you just rename directory, your backup is sorted already!
  5. Never type rm dir or other dangerous commands raw. Put them in scripts. The script will do the error checking of host, database, directory. Only run the scripts.
  6. e.g. Don't update your website by copying files to production with cp, mv, rm. One day you will type the sequence wrong, or on the wrong server, or in the wrong dir. Put it all in a script.

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Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.