// reads 2 numbers and adds them import java.io.*; public class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) throws IOException { // --- pick one: ------------------------------------------------------------------ // BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( System.in ) ); Console in = System.console(); // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System.out.print("Number 1: "); String n1s = in.readLine(); int n1 = Integer.parseInt( n1s ); // convert string to integer System.out.print("Number 2: "); String n2s = in.readLine(); int n2 = Integer.parseInt( n2s ); int sum = n1 + n2; System.out.println ( n1 + " + " + n2 + " = " + sum ); } }
// enter two integers and output the larger // integers come in as command-line parameters: // $ java prog n1 n2 public class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) { int n1 = Integer.parseInt( args[0] ); int n2 = Integer.parseInt( args[1] ); if ( n1 > n2 ) { System.out.println ( n1 ); } else { System.out.println ( n2 ); } } }
When { } enclose single statement can omit them:
if ( n1 > n2 ) System.out.println ( n1 ); else System.out.println ( n2 );
Other control flow statements include while, for:
// print squares of numbers 0 to 50 public class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) { for ( int i=0; i <= 50; i++ ) System.out.println ( i * i ); } }
// print square roots of numbers 0 to 50 public class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) { for ( int i=0; i <= 50; i++ ) { double r = Math.sqrt(i); // System.out.println ( r ); // default formatting (variable no. of decimal places) System.out.format ( "%.4f \n", r ); // 4 decimal places } } }
program > file
System.out.format ( "%.4f \r\n", r ); |
System.out.format ( "%.4f", r ); System.out.println(); |
String s | "Dublin" |
s.length() | 6 |
s.charAt(2) | 'b' [indexed 0,1,2, ...] |
s.substring(2,5) | "bli" [2 to 4] |
s.substring(2) | "blin" [2 to end] |
s.indexOf("bli") | 2 |
s.indexOf("cat") | -1 |
s.startsWith("Dub") | true |
s.startsWith("dub") | false [case matters] |
s.toUpperCase() | "DUBLIN" |
s.trim() | "Dublin" [already trimmed] |
// my class with a main method // and one defined method public class myclass { // fn returns maximum of 3 numbers static int fn ( int i, int j, int k ) { if ( i>=j && i>=k ) return i; else if ( j>=i && j>=k ) return j; else return k; } public static void main ( String[] args ) { int a = Integer.parseInt( args[0] ); int b = Integer.parseInt( args[1] ); int c = Integer.parseInt( args[2] ); System.out.println ( fn(a,b,c) ); } }
public class myclass { public static void main ( String[] args ) { int n = args.length; int[] a = new int [ n ]; // a = array of size n // read args (array of strings) into array of integers: for ( int i=0; i < n; i++ ) a[i] = Integer.parseInt( args[i] ); // print in reverse order: for ( int i=(n-1); i >= 0; i-- ) System.out.print ( a[i] + " " ); System.out.print("\n"); } }
class Point { private double x, y; Point ( double xarg, double yarg ) // constructor { x = xarg; y = yarg; } void print() { System.out.format ( "(%.4f,%.4f)", x, y ); } } class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) { Point p = new Point ( 1.5, 4.33778 ); p.print(); System.out.print("\n"); } }
Point.class prog.class
public class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) { try { int x = 5 / 0; System.out.println("Divide by zero worked!"); } catch ( Exception e ) { System.out.println("Error handling here."); } System.out.println("Program didn't crash."); } }
class Book { private String author; private String title; Book ( String a, String t ) { author = a; title = t; } void print() { System.out.print ( "\"" + title + "\" by " + author ); } } class TextBook extends Book // sub-class { private int level; TextBook ( String a, String t, int l ) { super(a,t); // call constructor of super-class level = l; } void print() { super.print(); // call method of super-class System.out.print ( " (Level " + level + ")" ); } } public class prog { public static void main ( String[] args ) { Book b = new Book ( "C.Darwin", "Origin of Species" ); TextBook t = new TextBook ( "J.Prof", "Introduction to Biology", 3 ); b.print(); System.out.print("\n"); t.print(); System.out.print("\n"); } }
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