Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain

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More Heuristic Search

A* gives us a shortest path without searching all states.
So should we use A*? Consider the following.

Finding an A* algorithm is easy

The logic of the A* reasoning means that:
If you just set h(n) = 0 for all n, then you have an admissible algorithm that will guarantee to find shortest path!

Q. So finding an A* algorithm is easy?

A. Yes. Exactly! You have just defined breadth-first search. f(n) = g(n) + 0.
Breadth-first is an A* algorithm. Problem is it takes too long.

The trick is to find a non-zero h(n) that will prune the search, but that is still always an underestimate.

The states searched by any A* algorithm will be a subset of the states searched by breadth-first.


Examples of A* algorithms:
  1. h(n) = 0
  2. h(n) = no. of pieces out of place (will need this no. of moves or more)

Shows that it may not be hard to find a non-zero h(n) that is still always optimistic. Then you have an algorithm guaranteed to find optimal path (eventually).
Obviously some h(n)'s are better (weed more states) than others.

4.3.3 Informedness

When is one heuristic better than another?

Imagine we have two A* heuristics.
h1(n) ≤ h*(n) for all n.
h2(n) ≤ h*(n) for all n.

If h1(n) ≤ h2(n) for all n, we say that heuristic h2 is more informed (i.e. better) than h1

But still need h2(n) ≤ h*(n) for all n.


With 8-puzzle, where h1 = 0 (breadth-first), h2 = no. of tiles out of place:
h1(n) ≤ h2(n) ≤ h*(n) for all n
h2 is more informed (better) than h1

h2 searches only a subset of the states searched by h1
Image courtesy of Ralph Morelli.
See Luger Fig 4.18
h1 searches all states shown. h2 searches shaded area.

Exercise - Prove this.

One can imagine a sequence of search spaces, each smaller than the previous one, converging on the optimal solution.

4.5 Complexity issues

The heuristic prunes the state space.
But the heuristic itself may take a non-trivial time to compute, if it is complex.
Time to compute heuristic for every state may waste all the time saved by pruning the space. There is a trade-off.

Luger Fig 4.28
"Control strategy cost" = Cost of calculating heuristic.
"Rule application cost" = Number of states searched.

LHS - Simple heuristic. Quick to calculate heuristic. But doesn't prune much - huge space to search.
RHS - Good heuristic. Cuts space. But calculating heuristic takes time.
Trade-off - Find middle point where computational cost of problem solving is lowest.

Beam search

Beam search: Reduce the space to be searched in best-first search.
We do this by keeping a fixed size OPEN list.
Only keep the n most promising (according to heuristic) unvisited states on OPEN.

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