Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain

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More Heuristic Search

Recall that heuristic search is about choosing a path that looks promising. For example, that looks closer to the goal.

"Distance from start" combined with "Distance to goal"

In many problems, we are interested not just in any solution but in a short (or the shortest) path to a solution.

Consider an evaluation function f of state n that incorporates "distance from start".

f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
where g(n) = actual distance from start state to state n
h(n) = heuristic estimated distance from n to goal

In this case, lowest f is best.

Algorithm A - Best-first search with distance from start

If you implement best-first with distance from start you get a best-first which has more of a breadth-first flavour.

Example of Algorithm A

The 8-puzzle problem.
Heuristic h(n) = no. of tiles out of place.

Luger Fig 4.15 (See goal state at bottom)
e.g. middle choice has 2,8,1 out of place, h(n) = 3, g(n) = 1, f(n) = 4

How this would direct search:

Image courtesy of Ralph Morelli.
See also Luger Fig 4.16

Exercise: Put in all the h values.

Progression of OPEN and CLOSED: See Luger Notes

4.3 Admissibility

We said designing heuristics is an empirical problem. How do we study when one heuristic is better than another?

A heuristic is said to be admissible if it provably finds the (joint) shortest path to the goal where it exists.
Breadth-first search is admissible, but impractical.

Algorithm A

Algorithm A: Best-first heuristic search with this heuristic evaluation function:

f(n) = g(n) + h(n)
where g(n) = distance from start state to state n along current, known path (haven't yet searched other paths, may find there are multiple different ways to get to n)
h(n) = heuristic estimated distance from n to goal


f*(n) = g*(n) + h*(n)
where g*(n) = minimum distance from start state to state n along any path
h*(n) = actual, minimum distance from n to goal along any path

Best-first search with f* is admissible.
But we do not know f* (it would be an "oracle").
We want f to be as close to f* as possible.

Note that g(n) may be too high - it may not have found the shortest path to n.

For all A algorithms: g(n) ≥ g*(n) for all n.

A* algorithms

A* search algorithm

An A* algorithm is algorithm A where h(n) ≤ h*(n) for all n.

i.e. All states have a worse distance to goal than predicted, or equal, but never better.
h is always too optimistic.
h(n) = 0 for all n, for example.

Theorem: All A* algorithms are admissible.

Proof: See here.

Rough proof:

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