Text-based interface.
Type commands with arguments at a "prompt":
$ command (arg1) (arg2) ...You can use this as an adjunct to (rather than replacement of) the Graphical user interface (GUI).
The "prompt" may be anything, not necessarily "$". It doesn't matter what the prompt is.
Can launch GUI programs:
$ gedit file &
echo $PATHThis makes the command-line "shell" a reasonably simple program:
Note: The complete list of executable files in the path is normally read once and cached in memory for fast access every time a command is typed.
pwd Print working directory e.g. /users/staff/jsmith cd Change directory ls List files cd .. Go to parent directory e.g /users/staff . Current directory / root directory $HOME home directory $HOME/public_html public web space /tmp system temporary filesHierarchical file system - /directory/sub-directory/file