CA170 (CSC1011) - Introduction to Operating Systems
- Old module code: CA170
- New module code: CSC1011
- Modspec
- 100 percent CA. No exam.
- I do not use Loop. This here is your home page for this module.
A repeat is available for all components of the module.
How to contact me
How to contact me.
Please whitelist my email
whitelist my email.
Practice quizzes
- Before the serious (silent, individual, automatically marked) Einstein coding starts,
we have some easy practice quizzes on Linux.
- You actually get marks for taking part. This works quite well. Here are the rules.
- For the practice quizzes only:
- You get a free 2 percent for completing them.
- You have to be in the lab. You cannot do them remotely.
- A password will be given in the lab.
- You can use the Internet, talk to each other, ask the tutors questions, anything to help you answer the questions.
- Answer all questions, submit, and you get a free 2 percent.
- You have to answer every question or your submission is not recorded.
- I will store your answers, but they are not marked.
- If anyone just types rubbish to get in and out, and I discover the rubbish stored later,
you will lose the 2 percent.
- I will do the answers in class.
Einstein labs
After the practice, we have Einstein coding for marks. The coding is Shell scripts.
For instructions see:
- Einstein labs
Final quiz
- The final part of the CA will be a quiz for marks.
- For the final quiz only:
- This will cover the whole course, including theory.
- This will be done in a lab.
- You will have access to restricted Internet, including my notes.
- No talking. No phones.
- Multiple choice. No negative marking.
- Fill in the answers online. Press "Submit" when done.
- You will not find out your marks on the day.
- There will be a time limit (the lab session).
- Sample quiz
- 2nd Sample quiz
Library categories
- 005 - Computer programming, programs, data
- 005.4 - Systems programming and programs