CA170 - Introduction to Operating Systems
- CA170
- Banner Module Code:
CSC 1011
- 100 percent CA. No exam.
- I do not use Loop. This here is your home page for this module.
A repeat is available for all components of the module.
How to contact me
How to contact me.
Please whitelist my email
whitelist my email.
Practice quizzes
- Before the Einstein coding starts, we have some practice quizzes on Linux.
- I designed a few quizzes, but have not yet built a marking system.
- So you simply get a free 2 percent for completing them properly.
- Come to the lab. (You cannot do these remotely. A password will be given in the lab.)
- You can use the Internet, talk to each other, ask the tutors questions, anything to help you answer the questions.
- Answer all questions, submit, and you get a free 2 percent.
- You have to answer every question or your submission is not recorded.
- I will store your answers, but they are not marked.
- If anyone just types rubbish to get in and out, and I discover the rubbish stored later,
you will lose the 2 percent.
- I will do the answers in class.
Einstein labs
After the practice, we have Einstein coding for marks. The coding is Shell scripts.
For instructions see:
- Einstein labs
Final quiz
- The final part of the CA will be a quiz for marks.
- This will cover the whole course, including theory.
- This will be done in a lab session.
- You will have access to restricted Internet, including my notes.
- No talking. No phones.
- Multiple choice. No negative marking.
- Fill in the answers online. Press "Submit" when done.
- You will not find out your marks on the day.
- There will be a time limit (the lab session).
- Sample quiz
- 2nd Sample quiz
About the notes
My notes contain many hyperlinks to background material.
Some students get confused about what is the core course.
The core course is
anything that is linked to directly on this front page.
All other links are just background material.
Library categories
- 005 - Computer programming, programs, data
- 005.4 - Systems programming and programs