School of Computing. Dublin City University.
Online coding site:
Ancient Brain
coders JavaScript worlds
Instead of supervised learning (exemplars), we don't tell it correct "class" / action. Instead we give sporadic indirect feedback (a bit like "this classification was good/bad").
e.g. Move your muscles to play basketball. I can't articulate what instructions to send to your muscles / robot motors and in what order. But a child could sit there and tell you when you have scored a basket. In fact, even a machine could detect and automatically reward you when a basket is scored.
Rebound Rumble
robot basketball competition
(part autonomous, part remote-controlled).
Clocksin, William F.
and Moore, Andrew W. (1989),
Experiments in Adaptive State-Space Robotics,
Proceedings of the 7th Conference of the Society for
Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour (AISB-89).
Translated into the terms we will be using:
Already we see typical things:
If tried out every possible action in every possible state, 4200 experiments to carry out.
Build model of Physics.
Take distance (p - junction)
Time for car to cover distance given speed s
Time it takes agent to cross road
Problems / Restrictions:
Look at consequences of actions.
"Let the world be its own model"
If action a worked, keep it.
If not, explore other action a2.
After many iterations, we learn the correct action patterns
to any level of granularity.
And we never had to understand how the world worked!
We learn the mapping:
x, a -> y
initial state, action -> new state
If one can do exhaustive search, you don't need RL or any complex learning.
More usual: Only have time to try some actions in some states.
Multiple y's:
e.g. If you are in state x and take action a
50% of the time you will end up in state y1
and 50% of the time you will end up in state y2
e.g. x = (7,5)
a = (1,5)
y1 = (6,5)
y2 = (7,5)
Whereas adding states is meaningless:
"Expected next state = ½ (y1 + y2)"
In example above,
½ (y1 + y2) = (6 ½, 5)
Expected state?
If you take action a, do you ever go to this state?
Does this state even exist?
Machine writes a program x -> a only if we can think of a program that will write this program.
This may require restricting the domain. e.g. Below we will restrict ourselves to writing a stimulus-response program - well-understood model, our program will provably write an optimal solution.
Genetic Programming is a program to write any general-purpose program - Too far too fast?
Robot learning to flip pancakes by RL.
From Petar Kormushev.
Google DeepMind's Deep Q-learning (RL) playing Atari Breakout.