Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain


Remote and Network Computing

Users have been accessing sites remotely since the earliest days of what we now call the Internet.

telnet and ftp (and their secure successors)

These two commands and their secure successors have been for decades the two fundamental commands of the Internet / remote computing.

  1. telnet (host) - Login to remote host
  2. ftp (host) - Transfer files to/from remote host
With telnet you get a command-line, with ftp you get a read-write file system.


  1. telnet, 1971 (and here).
  2. ftp, 1971.

These two commands have been replaced by secure versions:

  1. telnet -> ssh
  2. ftp -> sftp / scp (both use ssh) or ftps (uses ssl)



How to login to Linux at DCU



Remote Unix/Linux files

A common situation in IT is a Windows client, working with remote Unix/Linux files.
A nice way to do this is to make the remote files a drive (like the X: drive) on Windows.
Here is one way I like to work:



How to turn an ftp site into a drive


Remote Unix/Linux GUI

Run Unix GUI programs, visible on remote Unix machine:

Run Unix GUI programs, visible on remote Windows machine:


FTP scripting

FTP (sftp / scp / ftps) scripting is a good/essential tool for website maintenance.

Say you are working on an offline copy of a website of 10,000 files. You make changes to 137 files among the 10,000. You want to upload the 137 new files, but not the entire 10,000. Drag and drop the 137 to their correct destinations could be quite tedious.

For repetitive tasks, drag-and-drop is not a better interface than being able to write automated scripts (this will be a theme of this course). You can write ftp scripts ("macros") and call them from Shell scripts:

Sample ftp scripting

This is how I work:
To make a new build of my (huge) genealogy site:
I just want to upload the small number of files that have changed since the last build.
I run a program to build an ftp script with all the changes, like the ftp script below.
I then run sftp with this ftp script.

cd public_html
lcd /users/local/humphrys/local/history-copy
mkdir ./Flanagan/NMI.bird
put ./Flanagan/NMI.bird/IMAG1024.jpg ./Flanagan/NMI.bird/IMAG1024.jpg
put ./Flanagan/NMI.bird/IMAG1025.jpg ./Flanagan/NMI.bird/IMAG1025.jpg
put ./Flanagan/the.bird.html ./Flanagan/the.bird.html
put blog.html blog.html

Changes directory on remote site.
Changes directory on local site.
Makes remote directories.
Puts various files into various destinations.

The above ftp script is automatically built by a program.

HTTP scripting

You can also do HTTP GET or POST scripting from the command-line.
Some tools that do this:

  1. wget

    Advanced wget:

    • To crawl an entire site or check for broken links, something like:
        wget --spider --force-html -i file.html
    • Sites that block programs:
      If a site won't let scripts/programs see its content (only browsers), you can set User agent to pretend to be a browser:
        UserAgent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)"
        wget -q -O - 	-U "$UserAgent"	URL

  2. lynx
    • does HTTP GET:
        lynx -reload -source URL
    • does HTTP POST:
        cat DATA | lynx -reload -source -post_data URL

  3. curl
    • dumps to command line by default
    • -s for silent mode
    • does HTTP GET
    • does HTTP POST

Working remotely

Idea: Your files are "on the network" ("in the cloud") somewhere. You can access them and make changes to them from anywhere. All copies stay in synch.

This is what you actually have within DCU (can move from terminal to terminal, accessing files at central server).

Various ways of working:

ancientbrain.com      w2mind.org      humphrysfamilytree.com

On the Internet since 1987.      New 250 G VPS server.

Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.