Dr. Mark Humphrys

School of Computing. Dublin City University.

Online coding site: Ancient Brain

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History of AI

It is hard to generalise about the complex history of AI, which goes back to the 1950s.

We will attempt some broad overviews.

Classic AI

One statement that is probably true about the early days of AI, what is sometimes called "classic AI", is that it concentrated on adult human-level intelligent skills, not adult animal skills or child human skills.

Classic AI concentrated on:

Archetypal problem - Chess


Chess on Ancient Brain

"Ancient Brain" is an online coding platform we will use for this course.
Here is an initial demo of an AI program on Ancient Brain.

A chess "World" has a built-in chess player.
You can plug in different other programs to play against it. These are called "Minds".


Click to run Mind: Cloned Simple AI - Depth 1
in World: Chess : Mind vs Simple AI (a bit of random) with more minds
at Ancient Brain.

Chess gets solved

After 40 years, a milestone: AI beat best human at chess in 1997.

The "Chess is easy" argument


The history of AI: A repeated cycle of excitement and disillusion

Slower than expected progress in classic AI led to what might be called a "biologically-inspired" movement in AI research, with new algorithms and new approaches, which really took off in the 1980s.

The "biologically-inspired" movement itself made slower than expected progress. It fell into some disillusion around 2000.

It has been revived again recently with "deep learning". There is a new cycle of excitement.

Conclusion: AI is hard! Don't get too excited too soon.


Biologically-inspired AI

What might be called "Biologically-inspired AI" took off in 1980s.
Researchers taking a new look at why AI is so hard.
And in particular: How does nature do it?
After all, nature solved all the AI problems before we were born.

Themes of Biologically-inspired AI

Idea in Biologically-inspired AI As opposed to
Action Taker and Evaluator Knows in advance what to do
Learning, Evolution, Self-organisation Design, Search
Robustness, Duplication, Multi-minds Brittleness, single thread
Non-Symbolic AI, Sub-Symbolic AI Symbolic AI
Sensorimotor skills Higher-level cognitive skills
(Whole) Animals (Parts of) Humans
Situated (in stream of IO) Isolated
A-life, A-animals, bacteria, insects, dogs, chimps, H.erectus and infants Adult H.sapiens
Symbol-grounding, origin of representations Modern human language

Reading for the biologically-inspired movement

  1. "Intelligence without Reason", Rodney Brooks, Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-91), 1991.
    A lengthy history of AI from the biologically-inspired angle.

  2. "Today the earwig, tomorrow man?", David Kirsh, Artificial Intelligence 47 (1991) 161-184.
    A reply to Brooks.

  3. "Why not the whole iguana?", Daniel C. Dennett, Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1:103-104, 1978.
    A classic call to build whole creatures.

  4. "The animat path to AI", Stewart Wilson, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB-90), 1990.
    Dennett's call taken up by the bio-AI movement.

  5. Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Kevin Kelly, 1994. - Online.
    A mind-bending description of the type of machines we're trying to build.

  6. "AI is possible .. but AI won't happen: The future of Artificial Intelligence", Mark Humphrys, 1997.
    A short talk I gave of the history of AI, emphasising the biologically-inspired trends.

Analysis v. Synthesis

We said AI is part of engineering, but can also contribute to science.
Many scientists who study human minds and animal minds are interested in AI.
Consider this:

So AIs may not be exact models of natural brains, but at least they are comprehensible.
Or are they?

In fact, the more you allow machines learn and self-adapt and evolve, the more you run into analysis problems of the final result. Just like nature again!

Here is the result of a program that evolves program code.
Synthesised - and yet hard to understand.
From "Have Your Spaghetti and Eat it Too: Evolutionary Algorithmics and Post-Evolutionary Analysis", Kfir Wolfson et al., Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Volume 12 Issue 2, June 2011.

Discussion: What is the hardest part of AI?

What do you think the hardest part of AI is?
Why do you think AI has not been solved?
Discuss in comments.

Biologically-inspired AI was harder than expected

The "biologically-inspired" movement itself made slower than expected progress. It fell into some disillusion around 2000.

Why is AI so hard?

A lot of people talked about scaling up, and "Not Enough Stuff" arguments.



"Not Enough Stuff" arguments in AI



Deep learning

Some parts of the "Not Enough Stuff" arguments began to come true after 2010 or so. Notably not enough data, and not big enough networks. It turned out that scaling up massive neural networks with massive quantities of data really did make a difference.

Since 2010 or so, there has been a new period of excitement and progress, with the rise of Deep learning and Generative AI.

The revival is due to a number of causes, including new theoretical breakthroughs, more powerful small parallel machines, and companies willing to spend on massive numbers of parallel machines for large-scale training experiments.


Click to run World: Chat with GPT model at Ancient Brain.
This is a demo of using JavaScript to call the OpenAI API to talk to GPT-3.5 (2022).
This is the model that ChatGPT uses.
View the code to see how it works.
Clone and edit the World to modify it.

ancientbrain.com      w2mind.org      humphrysfamilytree.com

On the Internet since 1987.      New 250 G VPS server.

Note: Links on this site to user-generated content like Wikipedia are highlighted in red as possibly unreliable. My view is that such links are highly useful but flawed.