We also only consider maximizing, minimizing and summing. We omit other possible methods, such as product (§15.5.2) or standard deviation (§12.4).
Many methods below make no sense, such as maximizing unhappiness. Ones that make some sense are in bold.
Search for this, and take action :
That is, the gain by the winner, minus the losses it causes the others. Note that:
This method seems also to inhabit that desirable middle ground between Maximize the Best Happiness and the Collective methods.
It somewhat answers the criticism of Maximize the Best Happiness,
in that if the winner would make a gain no matter what action is taken,
then it will prefer actions that cause smaller losses to the other agents.
We see that it would successfully be opportunistic in the
example in §9.1.
And it is still more individual-driven than the pure Collective methods
- it successfully picks
in the first example in §12.3.
But we only have to increase the number of agents to show that it is still
vulnerable to the criticisms of any Collective method.
It will fail to pick here:
The only other method of combining two terms that makes sense is:
which again is just another Collective method.
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